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Programs & Initiatives

The Cato Project_07032020_final

The Cato Project is a branch of the Institute dedicated to the study and documentation of anti-Hellenism. Click here to visit the site.

The Hellenic Language Center "I glóssa mas" is a branch of the Institute dedicated to studying and advancing the Greek language. Its mission is to produce learning materials to teach Standard Greek and various other endangered Greek languages and dialects to future generations.


The Hellenic Ancestry Project "Oi rízes mas" is a branch of the Institute dedicated to the study and documentation of Hellenic Genealogy and Hellenic Revival Movements. Its mission is to serve as a resource for those interested in discovering their Hellenic ancestry.


Hellenism Explored is a branch of the Institute dedicated to the study and understanding of the Hellenic Worldview. Click here to the site. 

Future Initiatives

The Hellenic Advocacy Project is a future initiative that will serve as a resource for Hellenic activists interested in advocating the National Issues of Greece. The project will host a database of political report cards, which will score politicians on their positions on Greek National Issues from Greece, Cyprus, and the various countries of Diaspora communities. The site will also feature sections with the necessary materials to advocate on specific policy issues and an area that will explain each policy issue currently being advocated. 


The Online Academy is a future initiative that will be dedicated to creating an e-learning institute that will provide courses and seminars on Hellenism, Hellenic History, Language, Activism, and other various subjects. 


The Hellenic Library is a future initiative dedicated to creating a digital archive of books on Hellenism and Hellenic associated topics for members of the Institute. 


The Hellenic Young Professionals Network is a future initiative that will be dedicated to establishing a social network for members of the Institute aimed at assisting young professionals through regular networking events, conferences, and webinars to advance their professional careers. 

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